The Latest Craze Known As The Spin Bumper Car

Spin bumper cars are not like the traditional bumper cars that featured in amusement parks a few decades ago. These bumper cars go backwards, forwards and they spin. This ride allows participants to spin themselves or to bump into other cars on the track. When these bumper cars collide they are sent into an uncontrollable spin.

inflatable spin zone bumper car rides

In order to develop a fun and newer version of the bumper car, bumper car leading manufacturers developed what is now commonly known as the Spin Zone Bumper Car. These come in 2 different types found in amusement parks that include an inflatable Spin Zone Bumper Cars for Sale and the other is known as a laser, rubber-bumper spin bumper car.

About The “Inflatable” Spin Zone Bumper Cars

These bumper cars are constructed out of an inflatable material, the differences between the rubber and the inflatable bumpers cars include the following:

spin zone quality bumper cars

The Spin-Zone bumper cars feature a number of targets, these targets are usually positioned on either side of the car. When these targets are triggered by another car bumping into another, the car will spin for around 2 to 3 seconds.

LED lights on these cars will flash on the car when it is spinning.

The controller of these cars will have the ability to send all cars on the track into a Shoos mode?or All spin mode?with the use of remote commands.

Applications Of The Inflatable Spin-Zone Bumper Cars

These types of dodgem cars can easily be added into any location such as a supermarket, funfair or amusement park. These new and fun versions of the traditional bumper cars are guaranteed to offer a high return on the purchaser’s investment.

high quality bumper cars

Features Of The Spin-Zone Bumper Cars

The seats have been designed to offer comfort

The bumper cars are operated on high-quality batteries which are rechargeable and dischargeable

These rides offer children an easier method to control the bumper car they are using

The safety belts featured with these rides offer a higher level of safety for the riders

The rides are operated with a radio-control system

Compared to other amusement park rides, these rides offer cost effective solutions

They offer an extended service time

“Rubber Bumper” Laser Spin-Zone Bumper Cars

The “Rubber Bumper” Laser Zone bumper cars from feature a laser-gun and 4 spin points. This exciting ride allows the participants to shoot at other cars with the provided laser guns. When one of the spin points is hit, the car is sent into a 360 degree spin. These rides have also been designed to offer riders a safe and more comfortable experience when using this equipment. This ride also allows for two people to sit in one car. This means that younger children can ride with an older child or adult and also join in the fun and excitement that these rides have to offer. Spin Zone bumper cars in the page of have been designed with safety in mind and offer a cost effective solution for various locations that can include birthday parties, the mall and amusement parks.

Categories: amusement rides